Designing app for

folk music band

Project Overview

The problem: Help people to listen to off-stream music and make it easy to find that for them.
The goal: Introducing folk band music and trying to help people to get familiar with new types of music.

My role: UX researcher and UI designer
Responsibilities: Research, Ideate, Ui designer and etc

User research summary: In this research, I try to find a way to make a place for people who loves exploring new things. I use fieldwork for my research and in this case I found this app needs a backup team to help folk bands to use this app as a place to share their music. This process helps people to find better music and attract them to this app.

Problem statement:

Ali  is a Manager at who needs Music app to share new kind of music with his employees to help them to improve their life because he cares about his employees life and he don’t want them being usual music listener.

You can check my case study here

Paper wireframes

Digital wireframes


Design System

High-fidelity prototype

You can check the Hi-Fidelity prototype at Folk music band app Prototype


Project Two (Designing Website for folk music band)