Let the curses of hell rain down upon you


Throughout history, a pattern has repeated itself in hierarchical societies where those in power become entangled in the affairs of their lovers and wives, while disregarding the needs of the lower class they govern. This behavior ultimately distances the ruler from their own society and blinds them to the oppression they inflict on the people. As a result, the ruling apparatus becomes cursed by the grief-stricken mothers who have lost loved ones due to the inhumane actions of those in power. This curse spreads like wildfire, engulfing the entire governing apparatus and leading to its eventual dissolution.

I will end my discussion with a poem by Ahmed Shamlu, a contemporary Iranian poet.


They passed by, broken and defeated,

Ashamed of their tuneless songs.


The alleys fell silent,

Their footsteps drowned out by the sound of defeat.


The soldiers passed by, broken and defeated,

Weary and desolate on their horses.


Their colorless banners of pride

Tumbled down upon their spears.


What good is your pride in the heavens

When every cursed speck of dust on your path

Curses your name?


What good is your garden and its trees

When you spoke with sorrow to the cypress?


Wherever you set foot,

Plants wither and die.


For you never believed in the sanctity of earth and water.


Our destiny was sung

In the skeptical songs of your soldiers

Returning from the conquest of the Rus castle.


Let the curses of hell rain down upon you,

For the black-clad mothers,

Bearers of the most beautiful children of sun and wind,

Still raise their heads from the prayer mats.




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